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Grading Procedures

Your child’s P.E. grade is based equally upon fitness, skills testing (performance) and behavior during class activities…

Grading Rubric

Student Expectations

We believe that if you expect a great deal from students you will, in time, receive a great deal. We expect students to demonstrate manners towards peers and teachers. You get what you put into your work. Discipline is based upon logical consequences with students being held responsible for their behavior. We encourage students to be positive towards themselves and others. We enjoy seeing students working together in a cooperative manner to increase their physical
fitness levels throughout the year.


Google Meet LIve Expectations


1. Be on time

2. Mute yourself

3. Turn Video on

4. Use hand signals to talk.

5. Participate best effort



Classroom Expectations




Student Disciplanry Plan

During live google meet sessions 


Strike ONE = warning
Strike TWO = think time
Strike THREE = removal from activity/parent contact will be made


P.E. Content Standards

Appropriate Dress

For safety and performance reasons students should wear tennis/running shoes(flat heels) for Physical Education class.  Shorts or tights under skirts are encouraged. Students that do not come prepared may have an alternate activity to ensure safety. Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to P.E. to stay hydrated.  Having a safe space to move is ideal.

Short Term Exempt for P.E.

Please provide a note/email with your child and his/her participations will be limited accordingly.  Students are still expected to attend live meets.

Long Term Exempt for P.E.

The Clark County School District requires a note from a DOCTOR if a student is to be excused from participating for more then 3 DAYS. Send note/email to the P.E. staff
and the Health Office.

Try your best

Be a great teammate

No talking when the teacher talks

Electronic Copy of  Expectations

​© 2020 Derfelt Physical Education.

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